March 2024 Portfolio Update – Catching Up

March dividend pot of gold
I’m playing a bit of catch-up on my monthly articles. Things became particularly busy in my personal life through the past few months, and it’s better late than never. Dividend Summary March pulled in income from 18 CAD sources and 7 USD. This is a healthy balance for...
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February 2024 Portfolio Update – Kenvue Purchased

This was the warmest February I can recall. We barely had any snow, and the temperatures were routinely hanging around the positive side. While I enjoy the colder weather, I am now looking forward to more hospitable temperatures for the back deck at home. Dividend Summary Income rolled...
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January 2024 Portfolio Update – To Fresh Starts

I spent plenty of time in January on skates, which is one of the best ways to spend time in Canada during the Winter months. I also brought home a fair amount of dividend income. Dividend Summary I earned CAD income from ten sources, with three more producing...
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Annual Portfolio Update 2023 – Milestone Achieved

One thing I love about living in Canada is the stark contrast between seasons. By virtue of the weather changing so drastically, we’re reminded of life cycles and the need to prepare for each. In closing off 2023, I’m mindful of how fortunate I’ve been in building such...
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November 2023 Portfolio Update – Cold Skies

The last part of the year really got away from me, so I’m actually writing this in February 2024. I’ll have to make a few brief posts to get caught back up with these monthly updates. Dividend Summary I earned income from eight companies, split evenly between Canada...
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October 2023 Portfolio Update – Road Trip

The tenth month of the year brought with it some incredible weather. The highlight, however, was a great road trip through Washington D.C. and Nashville. Driving nearly 4,000km for the expedition made it that much more enjoyable. While on the adventure, dividends continued to pour in. Dividend Summary...
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August 2023 Portfolio Update – A Year Hence

August was something of a blur. I spent plenty of time barbecuing and relaxing with family, enjoying the good things in life. That’s how it ought to be, and it feels good when that’s how it goes. At the end of the day, we all decide the life...
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July 2023 Portfolio Update – Buying Spree

This seemed to be one of the mildest July periods I’ve ever experienced. The typical heat wave never seemed to materialize, which made for a great period to be outdoors on the back deck. On the investing front, I had one of the most active months since early...
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