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Five Year Plan

My journey to financial independence can be traced back roughly to the year 2006. To my best recollection I was around 19 when I first stumbled across the book, Guide To Getting Rich by Robert Kiyosaki. It is one of Kiyosaki’s lesser-known titles and certainly far less heralded...
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Elevate Your Standards

One of the ways we experience life is to compare ourselves with those around us. While it is never a good idea to do so jealously, I believe it is important to observe the behaviours of the people around us. It is one way to see whether their...
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The Eternal Optimism of Investing

Eternal Optimism in Investing
Why do people invest? Why do we set aside money that we could be using today for any other purpose? What drives us to forego present benefit for some esoteric version of what the future might hold? The answer is simple: To invest implies an eternal optimism. The...
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Make Life Easy

I’m an avid movie-watcher. I like pretty much any genre with a slight exception for horror (I’m not big on the jumpiness). Over the past decade I’ve enjoyed the resurgence in superhero flicks as many big-name franchises have received the reboot to great effect. Recently, while watching “Man...
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Build Your Own Pension Plan

Over the years I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to speak to and interact with many people and gain from their perspective. I’ve always been fascinated to observe how some people are able to take a challenging situation and turn it into a positive while others take...
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The Purge, Update

Simple living is the key to a successful life. The more things we own, the more cluttered our lives become. Holding onto items, relationships, and baggage that no longer serve a functional purpose is a sign of poor constitution. Life is best experienced with an eye to building...
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The Purge

What is the purpose of material possession? Why do we hold onto things we haven’t used in years? What is our emotional attachment to stuff? I’ve started this year off with a healthy dose of questioning. The process of setting goals for the next twelve months has helped me...
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Two Options

As investors we are always looking to the future. Profits earned in the past have no bearing on what is to come. We are always setting deadlines and goals for “what we’ll do once we achieve [insert milestone]”. Accordingly, we tend to put off to tomorrow what we...
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Modern Day Slavery – A Rigged Financial System

Modern Day Slavery, Masses Controlled
Slavery represents one of the oldest models of ownership. To be a slave is to be under the dominion of another person or entity. This can take many forms and happen for a number of reasons. While slavery in its most known type has been abolished in countries...
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Own Your Financial Freedom

When you’re born into this world, you are taken care of by adults. Your parents or others senior to you take care of your well being and make sure you’re fed, dressed, and given the tools to grow. Somewhere along the way, it’s implied that a person should...
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