Home » 2016

2016: Year In Review

Word of the year for 2016: Unbalanced. While I was able to make sizeable gains in terms of cash on the sidelines, I made a limited number of acquisitions. Likewise, while I spent the majority of my productive waking hours at work, I contributed less to this website...
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Election 2016: The Calm After The Storm

As a Canadian intimately interested in the political scene, it is always particularly intriguing to notice how the American presidential run-up is far more closely followed even within our borders than the Canadian election season. The campaigning for the US Election 2016, with the polarizing candidate of Donald...
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I Love Taxes

It seems that just about anyone you speak to hates taxes. Even those who profit directly from providing tax advice hate to pay taxes. How often do we hear, “I’d sell it but I just don’t want to pay the taxes” and other similar refrains? What upside could...
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The Real Economics of Beginning on Guitar

beginning on guitar
My favourite sorts of hobbies are those where there are initial low start-up costs, after which point the ongoing maintenance falls off considerably. Chess, for instance, costs ~$20 for a decent chess board that comes with a travel canister to roll the board into along with the pieces....
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Site Update #1

I’ve been receiving some feedback regarding the site’s recent inactivity. My apologies! It’s been a busy time over the past two months and I’d like to just provide a bit of an update. Musical While posts to this site have been lacking, progress has (at least) been made...
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Mortgages Count as Debt

I started reading about personal finance in earnest when I was around 19. One of the great debates involves debt and when it is sensible to use it for personal or investment purposes. Some camps maintain that there is both good debt and bad debt while others believe...
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Working On Your Dream

“Youth is wasted on the young.” – George Bernard Shaw The older I get, the more I notice changing seasons. When we’re young we truly take for granted that our lifespan will continue on forever. There will always be tomorrow to finish what we left undone today. There...
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Are Dividends The Only Option?

As a self-proclaimed “Dividend Growth Investor” (DGI), I firmly believe the best path to success in the stock market is to focus on cash flows by investing in high quality dividend paying companies. As dividends rise and are reinvested, returns compound for the patient investor. The best dividend...
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Weekend Reading #1

Part of the fun of blogging is going outside of your own bubble and seeing what others are saying. I’ve learned plenty from the broader community over the years. For your pleasure this weekend, I’ve highlighted a number of good reads you may want to take in. Disappointing...
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With the decline of the Brent crude oil price over the past year, one of the most common questions I have been receiving is how to play this development. Over the past few years we have seen oil trade above $120s to the recent depths below $30. While...
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