Q1 and Q2 Passive Income Totals

The first half of the year has come and gone. This represents an opportunity to take measure of how the passive income train has been rolling down the tracks. Due to the strength of the overall market, I have not been adding significantly to my stock portfolio. I have rather been keeping a growing portion of my portfolio in cash as I await better valuations.

Q1 and Q2 Passive Income

I will present my income in three categories: CAD Dividends, USD Dividends, Interest. These are the three main sources of my passive income.

CAD Dividends


 USD Dividends




Grant Total (currency neutral)


In Relation to my Five Year Plan

The natural question is what the above numbers ultimately mean in relation to my financial goals. I published my Five Year Plan back in August of 2015 and this is the measuring stick I use to assess my progress.

My overall goal for 2017 is to accumulate $3,100 in passive income. Hitting $1,677.93 at the halfway mark suggests I am well on track to surpassing this. Just doubling this figure projects a total of $3,355.86 for the year. I would hope to actually exceed this number as dividend increases continue to factor in over the remaining months of 2017.

I did take a bit of a detour this year in that I recently purchased one share (yes, just one share) of Amazon.com. Inc. (AMZN). This represents the first share I have purchased of a non-dividend/distribution paying company. There is no cash flow which heads my way simply as a result of owning this share. I will consider adding two more shares if there is a considerable decline in price at some point in the future.

I hope to cover my reasons for purchasing this more thoroughly in a future article, but suffice it to say I believe AMZN is on track to swallow up its competitors on the path for global domination. I believe the company is riding a secular growth trend in terms of how commerce is done and I thought it important to at least grab a slice. Time will tell whether this was a good decision or whether this might wither away in my portfolio. Either way, I don’t plan to sell any time soon. A short-term profit on this one doesn’t interest me.


I knew at the time I established my plan that the large double digit percentage growth I had planned for was going to require focus to achieve. To this point I have continued hitting my targets and am optimistic about maintaining this pace going forward.

As mentioned, the elevated market has left me a bit gun-shy in terms of putting money to work in the market. I have nibbled along the way but prefer to leave cash earning in a high interest savings account on which I have negotiated a higher rate rather than extending it for dividend yields which are at this point generally quite low.

Thank you for reading.


How have you been doing in terms of passive income this year?

Pictures courtesy of pixabay.com

Get Rich Brothers

Get Rich Brothers

We're two brothers on a mission to spread financial awareness. In doing so, we want to show you how to Get Rich and prosper!

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