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Recently Interviewed

One of the greatest joys of maintaining this website is the ability to share our vision with others. Prior to starting on this journey, we were spreading our message literally person to person on a word-of-mouth basis in our local area. Now that we have this platform, we...
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2015 Goals

With 2014 squarely in the books, it is time to consider our plans for the New Year. While it can seem arbitrary to choose a date such as the beginning of January to take on the task of goal-setting, it nevertheless provides an opportunity to look forward. There...
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Top 10: Holiday Savings Tips

The holidays are a time to show people how much we love and care for them through gifts and other pleasantries, or so we are told by the large corporations. Spending time with family and friends while enjoying a meal together can be a healthy family interaction but...
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Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the biggest consumer holidays of the year. The day following American Thanksgiving, it has come to be known as the start of the “Christmas Shopping Season”. It is the antiholiday of a frugalista and intelligent investor. On this site we preach Get Rich...
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Two Options

As investors we are always looking to the future. Profits earned in the past have no bearing on what is to come. We are always setting deadlines and goals for “what we’ll do once we achieve [insert milestone]”. Accordingly, we tend to put off to tomorrow what we...
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To All Aspiring Bloggers

We received a question recently from a reader who was wondering about maintaining a website. By posting this, we’re hoping to inspire others and get them in the game. Question: I’ve always wanted to maintain a website/blog. I’m not sure what I’d want to write about, though, since...
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Modern Day Slavery – A Rigged Financial System

Modern Day Slavery, Masses Controlled
Slavery represents one of the oldest models of ownership. To be a slave is to be under the dominion of another person or entity. This can take many forms and happen for a number of reasons. While slavery in its most known type has been abolished in countries...
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The Stock Market Is Not a Casino

In my personal life I’ve witnessed a large number of people who frequent casinos and waste money on copious amounts of lottery tickets. Many of these same people have told me that investing in the stock market is too risky for them. I believe it’s time to shine...
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Own Your Financial Freedom

When you’re born into this world, you are taken care of by adults. Your parents or others senior to you take care of your well being and make sure you’re fed, dressed, and given the tools to grow. Somewhere along the way, it’s implied that a person should...
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Money Can’t Buy Happiness

So you told your close friend/mother/distant relative/cat that you want to Get Rich yet they shot you down. They gave you the age-old “money can’t buy happiness” spiel, right? Would you like a quick fix? Here goes: Irrational skeptic: “Money cannot buy happiness!” Me: “Neither can poverty.” Boom!...
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