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Canadian Bank Dividend Raises – Strong 2021 Gains

Canada is best known for a few simple things. From maple syrup to our general friendliness, the Red Maple Leaf is well-known, the world over. My personal favourite hallmark of Canada is the strength of our financial sector. This has been demonstrated by the recent Canadian Bank dividend...
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Dividend Growth Investing in the Age of COVID-19

All investment strategies come with their benefits and their risks. Balancing all of the factors and taking them in the context of an investor’s emotional profile is important when deciding how to go about growing one’s money. The thing about investing is that for the most part, the...
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Five Year Plan, Update #4 — Decade in Review

I kicked off my Five Year Plan in August 2015 at a time when I wanted to set some targets and provide more actual guidance around how my stock portfolio was developing. I wanted to chart a course so I would have something to aim for along the...
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October 2019 Portfolio Update

I was fortunate to sit tight in September, where I made no investments. This month saw some sharp declines in the railways, which is one of my favourite industries overall. I was fortunately sitting on some cash, looking for just such an opportunity to put my capital to...
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Q3 2019 Dividend Report

Most of the time, I prefer to invest back into companies that I already own. Since I already have a diversified portfolio of best-of-breed companies, following this approach requires less upkeep since I already have a good understanding of the companies in my portfolio. This quarter, however, I...
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Berkshire Hathaway Pilgrimage: Journey to Omaha

Warren Buffett is regarded by many investors to be the greatest investor of all time. From humble beginnings, he has been able to build one of the largest and most stable holding companies in the world; at the time of writing, Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A, BRK.B) trades with a...
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July 2019 Portfolio Update

Heading into H2 2019, there are positive developments fueling the portfolio’s growth. With one of my holdings increasing its dividend by just under 30%, coupled with two more stock buys, I’m optimistic about what the final half of the year will have in store. CAD Dividends USD Dividends...
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Q2 2019 Dividend Report

Another quarter in the books and two more tranches of stock added to the portfolio. Every time I place a Buy order for shares of high quality stock, I inch that much closer to financial freedom. Let’s take a look at how things have gone. CAD Dividends USD...
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June 2019 Portfolio Update

More dividends raised, more dividends paid. Those are pleasant words to ring in any dividend growth investor’s ears, and I am no exception. It’s worth repeating that the magic of dividend growth investing strategy is in the passive increases made by companies without any further effort involved on...
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