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September 2022 Portfolio Update – Home Again

Following a two-week vacation in Europe, September was mostly about catching back up on life. As always, it was also a great time to just relax and watch the seasons change. Although the stock market took a dive, dividend payments remained on schedule. Dividend Summary I earned cash...
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August 2022 Portfolio Update – European Sojourn

August is a beautiful month. It’s that last breath of Summer before the leaves turn. For the first time in a long time, I took a vacation during the warm months; I typically save my extended time off for the snowy season. Dividend Summary I earned dividends from...
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July 2022 Portfolio Update – Interest Rate Shocker

Weather-wise, July turned out to be one of the mildest ones I can remember. Getting outside was reasonable most days and I certainly took advantage of that. On the stock market front, I posted some solid dividend returns in the month. Dividend Summary I earned dividend income from...
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June 2022 Portfolio Update – Rampant Inflation

The story of the past month has been the inflation that is ripping through our economic system. Pretty much everything is costing considerably more than it did a year ago—aside from certain stocks and crypto, of course. As the war persists in Ukraine, fuel prices at the pump...
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May 2022 Portfolio Update – Rocky Markets

May was characterized by high inflation. A confluence of geopolitical factors continue to lead to higher prices in just about anything you can name. As fuel, food, and other prices soar, central banks are under pressure to boost rates. The challenge with this, of course, is that increasing...
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April 2022 Portfolio Update – BCE Crosses $200 Quarterly

April brought with it more talk of high inflation and concerns over the rocky geopolitical situation. The tragic war in Ukraine has continued to have ripple effects through the entire economy. Amid this backdrop of a falling stock market, I’ve continued to make progress within my portfolio. Dividend...
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The 10 Best Canadian Stocks to Hold Forever

Investing in the stock market can be difficult when there are so many options available. To simplify this problem, I am going to list what I believe are the 10 best Canadian stocks to hold forever. In writing this article, my plan is to highlight the top Canadian...
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Annual Portfolio Update 2021 – Targets Achieved

Another year in the books. Now it’s time to reflect and take inventory of what has transpired. I presently own 43 companies, 36 of which produce regular income. Dividend Summary I earned Canadian income from 25 sources and USD from 11 others. This provides a nice mix of...
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December 2021 Portfolio Update – Christmas Dividends

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? Yes, it is. There’s nothing like those sweet Christmas Dividends rolling in as companies finish off the year strong. Naughty or nice doesn’t make a difference when it comes to dividends. You just get paid based on how many...
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