Elevate Your Standards

One of the ways we experience life is to compare ourselves with those around us. While it is never a good idea to do so jealously, I believe it is important to observe the behaviours of the people around us. It is one way to see whether their actions lead to positive results. Emulating the conduct of successful people is one strategy to achieving success for oneself.

It is generally understood that people tend to represent a collection of the people they have around them. For instance, your income, interests, beliefs, and other facets that collectively characterize you are likely a reflection of your ten closest contacts on average.

Namely, people who own their own businesses tend to spend time with other self-employed people. Religious folk tend to make friends with others who believe in a higher power. People of significant means are likely to break bread with likeminded individuals.

The Low and Middle Class Challenge

One of the greatest factors that keeps people subservient to the system is that most do not have proper role models. When people hang out with others of their socioeconomic class, they are actually increasing their odds of remaining stagnant in that position.

Through the centuries it has been very difficult for people to elevate themselves and aspire to a higher way of life. However, the barriers to entry of the upper classes have been chiseled away over time.

When you consider the low and middle classes, their list of concerns looks something like this (in no particular order):

  • What’s new on Netflix.
  • How much vacation time they have at work.
  • What sort big screen television they should get next.
  • Hoping to get a raise at work next year.
  • Unlimited everything on their smartphones which they squander most of their time on.

How To Break Through

As I mentioned, the upper classes have never been more accessible.

What I have found is that while finding a mentor may not be easy for everyone, it is always possible to consult the legends. What I do when I am looking for inspiration is read a book that will broaden my perspective, read some blog posts from some of my favourite writers, and otherwise interact with people on internet forums.

Literally anyone reading this post has the power at their fingertips to research and learn to live a better life. In my studies, I have found the following list of concerns for upper class citizens who have achieved what would be regarded as a successful life:

  • How to achieve greater streams of income.
  • How to get back more of their time to spend with family and friends.
  • Ways to give back to their communities.
  • Researching dividend track records and other information for prospective investments.


How we spend our time and what we choose to think about ultimately manifests itself as our reality. When we spend our energy on positive pursuits, we tend to achieve positive outcomes. When we surround ourselves with intelligent people striving to life a better life, we likewise will find ourselves realizing success.

Be conscious of how you relate to life. Look at the people around you; if you like what they have done for themselves, discuss with them the steps they took to get there. If you look around you and see no one you would like to resemble, it may be time to look for some new friends to acquaint yourself with. You only live once and it’s up to you to craft a life worth living.

Thank you.


What have you done lately to improve your life circumstances?

Full Disclosure: No position in any of the stocks mentioned and no intention to initiate a position within the next 72 hours.

Pictures courtesy of pixabay.com

Get Rich Brothers

Get Rich Brothers

We're two brothers on a mission to spread financial awareness. In doing so, we want to show you how to Get Rich and prosper!

2 thoughts on “Elevate Your Standards

  1. Great point! I just wrote a post on my french blog about the importance of a community of like-minded people to achieve financial independence and get rid of toxic habits like over-consummerism.

    The society is filled with “programmers” and governments and corporations spend billions and billions every year to “program” us. Once “programmed” you become a “programmer” too without even noticing it because most of our knowledge is gained through imitation. If you are an influencial person for someone around you he might mimmic you without even noticing it himself.

    Actually the name of my blog is “Fais comme les riches” or “mimmic the riches” and it is based on this principle. If you keep doing what led your family to stay in the cycle of “poverty” you’ll end up like them. Obviously if their purpose was to “elevate” themselves, what they did was not right since they are still “poor”. So clearly some behaviors have to be changed to have the chance to obtain a different result.

    Like you said, you can now easily surround you with great minds with the help of books, internet or online communities. It has never been that easy. And I totally agree that the “community” you build around yourself will have a major impact on how you’ll live your life. Because a community acts like a gate to protect the ways of thinking and ways of behaving from outside’s influences.

    Choose to be part of a positive community who has the goal to achieve financial freedom and you’ll reach financial freedom… somehow. That’s the way it is!

    It’s always nice to read you.
    Allan recently posted…Dividend growth is the key to my freedom : quote from Lowell MillerMy Profile

    1. Great points, Allan.

      It always reminds me of a quote that if you take a clean rock and put it in a bag with a lump of coal, the clean rock is going to get dirty. There’s no way around it. Who you spend time with leaves an impact on who you are as a person. The thoughts you allow to consume your mind will have tangible outcomes.

      The great thing is that we all have a choice regarding our company and our thoughts. We can “reprogram” (to use your idea) ourselves if we become conscious of the system we’re in and take action.

      Thanks for reading and commenting,
      – Ryan

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