Reading List For 2016

Every year I set a goal to read plenty of books. I’ve realized, however, that I haven’t been nearly specific enough about this and as a result tend to read less than I would like to.

This year I’ve created a specific reading list that should help me stay on track and make sure I cross all the ones I intend to from the docket. While I should read far more than what makes it onto this list, here’s what I’ve put down so far:

  1. David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

This book takes a look at how those with apparent disadvantages actually turn the tide and come out on top. I read Outliers by Gladwell and was impressed with his unique perspective, so this is a natural continuation.

  1. Influencer by Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillian, and Switzler

Through my work I was able to take part in a two-day workshop regarding influencing people to carry out intended behaviours. It looks at the science behind change management.

  1. Adultery by Paulo Coelho

I have read The Alchemist a few times among other texts by Coelho and this newest addition has received a lot of press. As with everything he writes, it figures to have plenty of food for thought between the covers. I like to mix some fiction in between the continuous stream of business reads I go through just to lighten things up.

  1. Your Money or Your Life by Robin and Dominguez

The title really says it all. Not taking matters of money seriously can and absolutely does have serious ripple effects through the rest of your life. Anyone intending to achieve financial independence needs to get their financial house in order.

  1. I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

I get regular E-mail correspondences from Sethi’s website. He has a very clear and direct writing style that I enjoy. Any chance to learn the ins-and-outs of adding additional income streams from someone who has actually done it before is an opportunity worth taking.

  1. 1984 by George Orwell

I read Animal Farm in 2015 and thought it was a fantastic book. There’s something about examining a dystopian future that makes us appreciate the present day and the chance we have to make a difference for generations to come.

  1. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

In high school this was one of the required books for reading which I never got around to. I never enjoyed being told what to read and when to do it. That said, from what I remember it was an interesting piece. On my own time, now, I will have the chance to give this the time it deserves.

  1. The Millionaire Next Door by Stanley and Danko

It’s hard to believe I haven’t read this one yet cover to cover. I’ve read snippets and leafed through it countless times, but never all the way through. I read The Millionaire Mind by Stanley and it remains one of my absolute top picks for anyone interested in the nuts and bolts of what the millionaire lifestyle actually looks like.

  1. Money Rules by Gail Vaz-Oxlade

I started this one a while back and never got to the end. I’ll be looking to continue from where I was. This book takes more of a short-chapter/aphorism style of writing and offers commentary on a slew of financially minded matters.

  1. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

I’ve been working through this novel at an incredibly slow pace through 2015 and would like to, as with Number 9, simply continue and finish it. It’s a +1200 page tome and as such represents a significant time commitment to get through considering I am constantly stopping to underline key phrases and make notes in the margins. It is one of the best reads I’ve ever picked up thus far both in style and content.


The ten books I’ve selected as a starter kit for 2016 are from a variety of disciplines. It is important to read a wide array of material to not get too narrow minded in one’s thinking. As the year goes on I intend to offer a few book reviews on the ones I think you would all enjoy.

Thank you.


What’s on your reading list for 2016?

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