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Activist Investors

It is commonly accepted wisdom that to improve at a given vocation, taking on a mentor who has done it before themselves is a beneficial endeavour. In the absence of a mentor to coach oneself directly, it is likewise advantageous to observe and mimic the behaviour of experts....
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Activity Update, November 2015

It’s been more than two weeks since our last post here on GRB. This marks the longest period of inactivity since we launched the site in July of last year. While we haven’t been idle, we just haven’t had a great chance to post. As a result, I’m...
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Recently Featured

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again; the greatest pleasure of maintaining a website has been to collaborate and share with other likeminded investors. We were recently contacted from Jimmy at Dividend Reference to share some tips related to personal finance generally and dividend investing at...
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Foreign Exchange – Use It To Your Advantage

As a Canadian living in a border town, discussion surrounding the conversion between CAD and USD is particularly pronounced. A huge number of people in my area go South of the Border to do their groceries where certain products such as dairy are significantly cheaper. This phenomenon has...
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Watchlist For October

I have been preaching quite a bit recently regarding the importance of keeping a watchlist on hand for fire sales in the stock market. With rampant volatility run amok, being prepared with some stocks you’d like to own and knowing the prices you’d like to pay is critical...
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Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: $8,000 Invested

I’ve been doing a lot of talking around this site recently regarding the state of the stock market generally. With +2% oscillations coming almost daily, there has been no shortage of headlines to filter through. One of our most trusted rules of investing is that downturns represent opportunities....
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Recent Buy: Bank of Nova Scotia

The recent volatility in the stock market has demonstrated the importance of keeping a watch list of stocks on hand. This way, when equity markets crater downward it is possible to move quickly without needing to go into a full analysis of stocks and potentially miss an opportunity....
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How To Win In Choppy Markets

We have witnessed an exciting summer on the investing front. Markets have been oscillating between extremes as the banter has continued regarding a potential default in Greece, the Chinese slowdown situation, among other headlines. Today alone witnessed a 1,000 point drop in the Dow which is, as it turns...
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Five Year Plan

My journey to financial independence can be traced back roughly to the year 2006. To my best recollection I was around 19 when I first stumbled across the book, Guide To Getting Rich by Robert Kiyosaki. It is one of Kiyosaki’s lesser-known titles and certainly far less heralded...
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2015 Mid-Year Review: Part II

You can read Part I here. This is the final segment to my Mid-Year Review. In this section I will give an overview of what has taken place with my U.S. stock portfolio. U.S. Companies The Coca-Cola Company (KO): KO is a core holding for my portfolio and...
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