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2015 Mid-Year Review: Part I

You can read Part II here. With June now firmly in the books and the GRB Anniversary being complete, we are now half-way through twenty-fifteen. As at the beginning of each year it is good practice to take measure of where we have been and where we would...
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It is an interesting fact of life that as we age, an increasing number of ideas that we take for granted are shaken up. I remember as a youngster believing that banks and governments were impregnable fortresses of financial granite. Before immersing myself in the world of finance,...
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The Eternal Optimism of Investing

Eternal Optimism in Investing
Why do people invest? Why do we set aside money that we could be using today for any other purpose? What drives us to forego present benefit for some esoteric version of what the future might hold? The answer is simple: To invest implies an eternal optimism. The...
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Recent Buy: The Jean Coutu Group (Rebuy)

I have recently been spending ample time considering the age-related demographic shift which is taking place both globally and within my home market of Canada. People are living much longer than they did even fifty years ago. This change in the life expectancy of citizens has serious financial...
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The Get Rich Investment Plan

Formalizing our investment plan and process has been a long time in the making. While we have generally been clear about what we invest in, this document will serve as a one-stop guide in terms of how we, the Get Rich Brothers, invest our money. General Theory The...
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$1,000 Freelancing In a Month: How I Did It

As you may have noticed, I have provided a few articles on this site which link to further articles written elsewhere. I have been writing lately for a website called Seeking Alpha (SA). The main goal by writing for SA has been to increase readership for this website...
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The Big 5 Canadian Banks: What’s The Difference?

As a Canadian investor, one of the questions I get most frequently from foreign investors is what the big difference is between the Big Five Canadian banks (the “Banks”). Many investors and market commentators tend to lump them together into one large grouping with the tag line being,...
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Build Your Own Pension Plan

Over the years I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to speak to and interact with many people and gain from their perspective. I’ve always been fascinated to observe how some people are able to take a challenging situation and turn it into a positive while others take...
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Get Paid Selling Options

The most common method for making money in the stock market is to buy low and sell high. That’s what you’ll hear from even the common person walking the street who has never held a share. Our preferred method for earning a living around here is called Dividend...
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