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TD Bank: Doubling My Dividend Yield On Cost

As a dividend growth investor, the most important figure I track on an annual basis is whether my overall level of passive income has risen. While capital gains can prove fickle, particularly over short spans of time, dividend growth is driven as a direct result of business prospects...
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February 2018 Portfolio Update

February tends to be a slow month for dividends. Based on the timing of payments, I earn disproportionately less through this wintry period. All the same, every dollar earned and reinvested keeps the progress going. CAD Dividends Dividend Summary My dividend income for the month of February amounts...
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January 2018 Portfolio Update

There’s something wonderful about starting off a new year. 2017 was a solid one for growth and set the stage for a successful 2018. January leads off with some solid dividend totals and provides encouragement to keep on this investment path. CAD Dividends USD Dividends Dividend Summary The...
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Q1 and Q2 Passive Income Totals

The first half of the year has come and gone. This represents an opportunity to take measure of how the passive income train has been rolling down the tracks. Due to the strength of the overall market, I have not been adding significantly to my stock portfolio. I...
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Early 2017 Dividend Growth

I spent some time this morning updating my dividend spreadsheet where I tally my passive income. I track each company individually along with the annual collective totals. While adding up all of the dividends received is nice, one of my other little joys from this activity is actually...
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What Did TD Bank Do Wrong?

Over the course of the past week, a spotlight has been firmly fixed on the sales practices of Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD). A number of employees came forward to suggest business practices are not all on the level. In this article I intend to provide my assessment of the...
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2017 Goals

In my earlier years, I never believed in using the beginning of the year to set goals. I preferred to take things as they come. Since taking an interest in personal finance, however, I’ve learned to appreciate setting milestones. You can’t hit the target if you don’t have...
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Are Dividends The Only Option?

As a self-proclaimed “Dividend Growth Investor” (DGI), I firmly believe the best path to success in the stock market is to focus on cash flows by investing in high quality dividend paying companies. As dividends rise and are reinvested, returns compound for the patient investor. The best dividend...
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With the decline of the Brent crude oil price over the past year, one of the most common questions I have been receiving is how to play this development. Over the past few years we have seen oil trade above $120s to the recent depths below $30. While...
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Compound Interest

When an investor makes a loan, they typically expect the recipient to pay interest to compensate for use of the money. So, on a loan of $200 with an interest rate of 10%, the investor would be paid $20 of interest. As much as receiving 10% on a...
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